The count for the election of Ordinary Members to the London Region Executive for 2021-2022 was held today Monday 14th December and the following were elected:

  • Claire Bonham
  • Dominic Buxton
  • Jack Chesterman
  • Pete Dollimore
  • Michael Fox
  • Ann Glaze
  • William Houngbo
  • Nancy Jirira
  • Gareth Lewis Shelton
  • Julliet Makhapila
  • Gary Malcolm
  • Simon McGrath
  • Gatano Russo
  • Ted Townsend
  • Mark Twitchett

The detailed vote breakdown for the election is available here.  

The counts for the Chair and Chair of Candidates’ Committee have not yet been completed.

The following had already been elected without a contest:

Chair Regional Conference Committee

Kiran Mistry  elected

Regional Candidates Committee (6 to be elected, 6 nominations all elected)

  • Sean Hooker
  • Nancy Jarira 
  • Kiran Mistry
  • Julliet Makhapila
  • Eimar O’Casey
  • Mark Twitchett

English Council (19 nominations all elected.  13 vacancies)

  • Jon Ball
  • Francis Beddington
  • Pete Dollimore
  • Richard Flowers
  • Sean Hooker
  • William Houngbo
  • Nancy Jarira
  • Margaret Joachim
  • Julliet Makhapila
  • Simon McGrath (Merton)
  • Matt McLaren
  • Kiran Mistry
  • Alan Muhammed
  • Afzal Munna
  • Brian Orrell
  • Patrick Peters-Buhler
  • Dave Raval
  • Emily Tester
  • Stuart Wheatcroft

No Nominations Received

  • President
  • Treasurer